FUEL CMS 0.9.3 Released!

We are happy to announce that FUEL CMS 0.9.3 has been released on GitHub. This release includes several major additions including CKEditor™ support, precedence sorting, linking fields and more.

FUEL CMS 0.9.2 Released!

We are happy to announce that FUEL CMS 0.9.2 has been released on GitHub. So what’s New?... CodeIgniter 2, localization support and much more.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 6: The Client Handoff

So far we've learned how to create pages, blocks, layouts, menus, modules, incorporate them into the CMS and test our site. The WidgiCorp demo site is almost ready to turn over to our client. The last two things we will look at are ways to improve FUEL's security and create client specific documentation for them to view in FUEL CMS.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 5: Testing Your Site

In our last post we discussed how to import the static pages and blocks of the WidgiCorp demo site so they could be managed in FUEL CMS. This post will dive into testing and examining the page content of the WidgiCorp site using the SEO Module, Validate Module and Tester Module found in FUEL CMS.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 4: Using the CMS

In Part 4 of this blog series we will discuss how to use the Content Management System (CMS) of FUEL to create and edit pages, blocks, navigation, module data and assets. As with the previous posts in this series, we will use the demo site as a point of reference.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 3: Creating Modules

In Part 3 of this blog series we will discuss how to create simple modules and will use the demo site as a point of reference.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 2: Creating Menus and Navigation Structures

In our last post, Part 1: Creating Pages, Layouts and Blocks, we discussed how we created the pages for the WidgiCorp demo site. In Part 2 of this blog series we will discuss how to link those pages together using on of my favorite aspects of FUEL CMS, creating menus and navigational structures.

Learning FUEL CMS PART 1: Creating Pages, Layouts and Blocks

In Part 1 of this blog series, we will cover the basic site structure used for this tutorial and then dive into the building blocks of creating a FUEL website — pages, layouts and blocks. To start, be sure you have read the previous introduction post about the blog series and have downloaded the FUEL CMS 0.91 branch from GitHub.

Learning FUEL CMS Blog Series

In late October we open-sourced FUEL CMS, our CodeIgniter-based content management system. Now that it's been roaming around on the intertubes, we thought we'd provide some insight into how we, at Daylight Studio, use FUEL. To accomplish this, we will by writing a series of blog posts centered around developing a 'typical' small company website.

FUEL CMS Celebrates One Month of Being Open Source

It's been one month since we released FUEL CMS on GitHub. During that time we've made 163 commits, collected 57 followers and now, have added this blog! We've also branched a 0.91 version that uses CodeIgniter 2.0, Modular Extensions - HMVC, and contains a full working demo site for you to dissect and play with.